Lacy Wrap
The Lacy Wrap is a custom manufactured pull-up stretch lace wrap with an inside pocket to hold the pouch in a vertical or horizontal position for a snug fit against the body and is crafted out of the best materials. This product creates a smooth, breathable, comfortable and invisible look under your clothing and holds the pouch in place. The Lacy Wrap is available in black or white and is ordered according to waist and hip size. To measure the area around your waist and hip you will need to use a soft tape measure to ensure accurate measurements. The white Lacy Wrap is 5 1/2″ in width and the black is 7″ in width and made to fit snugly to hold the appliance in place and is available for children, men and women. If your waist and hip sizes are not available in the list below or if you have any special requests let us know and we will make it. Please keep in mind, WE MUST HAVE ACCURATE MEASUREMENTS FOR A SNUG FIT!