Why Use a Custom Manufactured Pouch Cover Containing “Wick” Material?
No longer do you have to be irritated and uncomfortable from the heat and rubbing of the pouch cover against your body. The “wick” material is lightweight, durable, abrasion-resistant, yet feels soft and comfortable against the skin. All pouch covers are CUSTOMIZED and made with delicate craftsmanship and are not line manufactured and slip over the existing collection bag. This will assist in eliminating moisture and heat associated with wearing an ostomy appliance. With the exception of the lycra pouch covers, the body side of all pouch covers are designed to “wick” moisture away from the body and are color coordinated with the decorative front side.
Why our Pouch Covers are Different
– The pouch cover DOES NOT need to be removed to empty the pouch and are customized to fit your exact pouch.
– Pouch covers are custom manufactured in your choice of material.
Pouch Cover Benefits
– Pouch covers help to promote confidence and self-assurance as well as to detract from any potential discomfort that may be associated with an ostomy.
– The pouch cover helps to diminish any noise that may be associated with the plastic collection bag movement.
– The pouch cover conceals the appearance of the collection bag and also assists in avoiding skin irritations.
– The pouch covers lessen any uneasiness or worry that may be associated with intimacy while increasing confidence.