
ostomydryproTaking Measurement
Body Circumference
Measure around the circumference at the Stoma or around the waist area.

Ostomy Protector Model Number Circumference
Extra Small OS-12 26 – 30 inches
Small OS-14 30 – 34 inches
Medium OS-16 34 – 38 inches
Large OS-18 38 – 42 inches
Extra Large OS-20 42 – 46+ inches
  • Please note, when measuring for exact size please measure around the torso at the stoma, not across the stoma.
  • If your waist measures less than the smallest measurement, please indicate the size in the “comments” section on the
    checkout page.
  • Most important the Dry Pro must fit snuggly. If air can get in so can water. It has to be tight.
  • If your stoma is in the lower 1/3 of your torso then you will be unable to get a seal, this product is not made for you.
  • Like many products some odd body shapes or deep scars will prevent you from obtaining a seal.
  • This product is for a single ostomy only.